Tuesday, July 28, 2020

address book png

When I have spoken to old friends, I have astonishingly - and surprisingly - often experienced that my old class mates, work mates, club mates, fishing mates, ham mates and so on in Sweden, Denmark and elswhere have been unable to find each other for decades - both moved, both had a common name, there was 200 or 2000 John Smith, Sven Svensson, Hans Jensen, Jesus Zapatero or Muhammad Sik in the phone book - and so on.

They have asked me for a copy of my address book, and I have asked them for a copy of their address book.

And - why not put it out straight on the web - most friends in the same country know each other, and maybe would like to find each other.

So - here is my entire addres book - it may be rather handy for old class mates, work mates and friends of mine who wants to find each other again.

Secret phone numbers and addresses have - of course - been removed from the list.

People who do not want to be found by their wife, girlfriend, mother in law, dentist or other terrible devils and horrifying demons have - of course - been removed from the list.

And people with yellow teeth and evil smelling breath - the type of people nobody wants to find - have also been removed from the list.

