Tuesday, February 7, 2023

We sell brains! Come and buy our brains!


In order for my old pals in Gothenburg not to suffer from winter depression, it is of course best that I hatch an old joke that circulated in Gothenburg in the sixties - and a good laugh prolongs both the mouth and the life.

Gothenburg Hospital had started with brain transplants, and so they put a huge ad on the front page of Gothenburg Post:

We sell brains! Come and buy our brains!
Worker's brains - one cent for each brain!
Politician brains - one billion dollars for each brain!

And then an old man called the hospital and asked the doctor:
-How is it that politicians' brains are so expensive, when workers' brains only cost one cent each?
- Well, you understand - it is of course because a politician's brain has never been used, but a worker's brain is always completely worn out!

And so that our poor politicians don't feel discriminated, I will of course blurt out another old joke from Gothenburg in the sixties that even politicians can laugh at:

An old man thirsty for coffee entered the gas station:
- Can I have a cup of coffee without sugar?
- No, unfortunately - I'm terribly sorry, but it's actually not possible - because we don't have any sugar!
- But you have petrol, right?
- Yes - of course we have petrol!
- WONDERFUL!!! Can I have a cup of coffee without petrol?
- Yes, of course - go ahead, here's a cup of coffee without petrol!
